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What Are the Different Types of Furnaces?

Furnaces are the powerhouse of your heating system. Any malfunction that occurs makes you worry about interruptions in the working of the furnace. Keeping a furnace that guarantees no good work in the future is an idea you need to discard. If you feel that the furnace at your home is not working, make sure that you replace them with a new one. 

Furnace installation involves the work of professionals and qualified technicians. You can easily avail yourself of a new furnace through facilities of HVAC Installation in Jacksonville, and other nearby areas. 

What kind of Furnaces is Available?

Once you think about replacing your furnace with a new one, you must have prior knowledge of what kinds of furnaces are there and their availability at furnace installation in Jacksonville, FL, furnace service in St Augustine, and other services or installation centers. Here are the names of types of the furnace:

  • Gas Furnaces:

Gas furnaces utilize natural gas to produce heat energy. Most of the homes in the USA use natural gas for heating purposes. This is because natural gas is cheaper than other fuels, and its availability is abundant. 

The working of a gas furnace is easy to comprehend. Once you start the natural gas burner, it will ignite the burner while the flames will start warming up the metal exchanger. Along with this, the exhaust will be withdrawn through the flue. The heat exchanger works to heat the cold air, and when the air is warm enough, it travels in your ductwork assigned to pass warmth in your homes. 

Gas furnaces have a hefty amount for installation, but at the same time, they portray more efficiency than other furnaces. Also, the maintenance charge for this type of furnace is minimal, making it easy to maintain in the long run. This type of furnace uses natural gas, which is a wiser option than other types of fuels. 

  • Oil Furnaces:

An oil furnace requires a fuel lamp that draws oil from the reserve tank. After this fuel augments into the burner chamber, it gets changed into mist, then sprinkled onto the burner. In the consequent process, after the chamber starts warming up, the air which travels from home and into the chamber starts heating up soon. This modified air is then transferred back to the home through the necessary ductwork. 

Oil furnaces can be more efficient than gas furnaces if maintained well and taken proper care of. They are quite expensive in terms of affordability but might require time-to-time maintenance. But, if these furnaces are operated well, then they can benefit you for 30 years!

  • Electric Furnaces:

An electric furnace works similarly to a gas furnace, but it requires electricity to work. Once the air in your home or other space passes into the furnace, the heating elements heat it. After this, the blower passed down the heated air through ductwork. 

An electric furnace is cheaper to install and is eco-friendly as it releases no adverse fumes. This type of furnace heats the air faster. However, they might be expensive in terms of maintenance. They might also fail to work when there is a power shutdown. 

Now that you know what kinds of furnaces are available, it is time for you to choose. You can contact centers for HVAC Services in Jacksonville FL or the surrounding areas. Visit us on our website to know more about furnaces and other related information. 

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